Here we will figure out how to install a landing page on your domain or subdomain.


If during the creating of the panel you did not select the checkbox to set the landing, then the landing will not be installed. However, you can always enable it in the panel overview:


If when creating the panel you chose to set up a landing page, then there are 2 possible options:

  1. You have nothing on the root domain, it is empty, then the landing will be created on the root domain
  2. You already have a landing page on the root domain, then our landing page will be created on the panvy subdomain.

You can change the name of the subdomain to one that suits you at any time in the settings of the landing page, and the landing page will be placed there.


If you have installed the landing on the root domain, but want it to be transferred to the subdomain, then you just have to specify the desired subdomain in the settings and the landing will be transferred.

If you have changed your mind and wanted to transfer the landing page back to the root domain, then you will need to remove the subdomain in the settings and the landing will be transferred to the root domain, provided that it is empty and you have not added any entries there.

Suppose you already have a DNS record on the root domain, but you want to move our webpage there. To do this, you need to remove A record from your domain settings. If you have any questions, you can always send us an email at [email protected].